Well hello, I'm
Jesse Sadergaski

A curl enthusiast that eagerly awaits to get to know the Genesis(beginning)of your curlz story. People think of me as their Midwest curly bestie
As a foodie who unashamedly indulges at local restaurants(s/o to Graze in North Loop for those wings) and dive bars, I get approached all the time about my curls. I deeply empathize to the many curl stories & struggles(butchered hair cuts, hair changes more that the seasons, terrified of trusting stylists, feeling like curls aren't as beautiful as straight hair, struggling to find the right products…THE LIST GOES ON AND ON).
While most stylists/curl specialists may give you a decent flip over and scrunch style, I see my position a bit differently. I am no longer in the place where down playing our curls is a thing. At Genesis Curlz THE BIGGER THE HAIR THE CLOSER TO GOD is my outlook. My style is layering curls to experience maximal volume. For too long we as curly people have hid behind the fear of our curls being too big, taking up space, drawing attention, and making others feel uncomfortable by their own insecurities. This is more than a hair style, it's a lifestyle, and at Genesis Curlz we're a community that is beyond needing convincing that all stages of our curls are beautiful........this is who God created us to be. Natural...
When I’m not behind the chair, I love going to/hosting worship nights with friends, trying new aesthetically pleasing food & coffee places(recommend me yours please!), having deep and authentic conversations about life and God's Word, modeling, pretending to be an influencer sometimes, and meeting other curly haired lovers everywhere I go!